"I am going to walk into a small pitch dark room filled with sharp objects; some contaminated needles, a few knives, seven or eight double edged swords, and a few blades hanging from the ceiling." This is what came to mind after I read a blog somewhere in the
blogosphere pertaining to existence. Now, let's imagine that I actually setup this room and decided that I don't feel like walking into it, so I tell you "Hey, if you run in there and come back out with the backpack that's at the back of the room in seven seconds, I will give you ten bucks". But, I don't mention a word about the sharp objects that cover every single square foot of the room, leaving you at risk of certain death. Because we can all agree that the sharp objects in the room exist, even if they cannot be sensed by way of sight. Therefore, knowing that these objects exist, I will deal with the question at hand: What happens in the dark? Logically, as I've already stated, the person running into the room will face certain death, lethally puncturing vital organs and having extremities severed in an instant. Nevertheless, the point is not the existence of the sharp objects, but instead the lack of an element that could have saved the life of the victim, in this instance that element being knowledge of the truth. Therefore, wanting to emphasize this point, I would like to bring this famous saying to the table; "What you don't know, won't hurt you". Surely, taken completely out of context in this case, it is still very relevant. We use this saying in situations that we believe are better off unsaid and consequently better off unheard. Yet, we ignore the reality that the affects of truth still exist even if the truth is left in the dark. For example, a married couple will start having problems after one of the individuals starts having an extra marital relationship, even if the marriage was going great before the affair ever existed. Although, in this case, the adulterer will know the reason behind the problems and the faithful individual will not be sure of the problem causing the problems. The adulterer might think; what the partner doesn't know wont hurt him or her. But, in fact that is a contradiction in itself, because the relationship was harmed the instant the affair came into existence, thus hurting the partner. Still, truth doesn't only affect in this situation, but in all situations where truth is present it will affect positively or negatively, depending on the truth. Therefore, to conclude, the truth is that if you don't have a basic and firm understanding of truth, you can never be sure of anything, not even your own existence.
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