I have engaged in many discussions
throughout my lifetime, from the meaning of life to the very concept of death. Although,
whether you look at death or life, there is something that you must always seek to find, and that is truth. And maybe you say, "truth can be perceived differently by the masses", therefore in a crowd of thinkers, they might all be saying their version of the same truth. For example, in a given new years celebration in Times Square, there can be a gathering of hundreds of thousands of people. Then, let's imagine that out of the darkness of the midnight sky, a ray of light hits the surface of the famous Ball that everyone is watching being lowered as they count down the last three seconds to the beginning of a brand new year. Now, the ray only lasts two seconds, disappearing into the darkness one second before the start of the new year. Afterwards, many speculate about the source and even assure they saw the source of the ray of light; thousands affirm they saw a UFO, others will assure it was a sign from God, and others will even create false images "proving" their theory to become big celebrities. So, who do we believe? How, do we know the person or persons
supposedly coming up with the "proof" are saying the truth, taking into consideration all the high tech tools we have at our disposal to modify images. But, there is yet another possibility concerning all of this, and that is that nobody saw the source of the ray. Now, many people can believe the theories and others can assure that they saw a UFO, a dragon, a unicorn, and many other things. But, if nobody saw the source, even if this truth cannot be proven, it doesn't lose it's validity as truth. This is called absolute truth and it exists everywhere, even if it cannot be perceived or proven. Because, a lie perceived as truth by billions is still a lie, and a truth believed by one versus the lies of the billions is still truth.
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